Jul 12, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

Garrett!!! Congratulations on a truly moving finish, grim, sad and hopeful. Post-apocalyptic literary fiction, you've pulled it off - all the elements of speculative fiction, but deeply imagined and seriously flawed, conflicted characters more real than real life in some ways.

In the end, I can't hate Vitri despite what he did - a part of me is glad he found peace because he was never going to find it any other way. On the other hand, Reyn is getting the chance for the future that we hoped she would (and knew she wasn't headed toward with Vitri.) You may recall my post about "ambiguous" endings, and I feel this is one of them - I really can see her descending into this Elysian valley of Lost Boys; I'm put in mind of Wendy in Peter Pan, and believe that perhaps she has found her place.

Superbly imagined, finely crafted, the first of many more novels from you I hope! And if I'm being honest, a sequel featuring Reyn as some kind of future Boudica would be stellar, but no pressure. ;) Take a lap, brother, you deserve it!

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Thank you, Troy! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It has been really wonderful to have you with me here every step of the way. I so appreciate the time you've put into reading the novel, and into interacting with the newsletter. I'll stop after this, because maybe it's annoying to keep saying so (haha), but again, thank you.

A few years back I actually jotted down some ideas for a possible sequel! I'm not sure if it's something I'll pursue...? But maybe? At the moment, it's pretty far down my "to do list," but only because I have a bunch of other projects I'm excited to take on.

But! Also a few years back I started putting together a pilot for what I picture as the TV version of the novel, which I'll be sharing here in just a couple weeks. Excited :)

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I think it would make for a very interesting TV show - other than the zombies, I'm not sure I recall any other post-apoc shows (The Leftovers doesn't count) tho I'm a bit out of the loop over here in Spain scraping the bottom of the streaming barrel. In any event, good luck with any/all next steps, you've got a lot on your plate - dig in! ;)

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I haven't read this one yet as I'm still catching up on previous instalments, but for now here's an inevitable "Like" from me, Garrett, and one to say a huge congratulations on getting this all out here on Substack.

I'm looking forward to reading it all through.

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I have enjoyed this story all the way through, Garrett. You are to be commended for such an imaginative and entertaining work. I may just start again at the beginning and read it all at once.

I can imagine the countless hours of hard work it took to bring this together. Well done!

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