Well, I'm going to say I enjoyed this piece for a reason that you may not have heard before. Can't be sure since I don't know what you've heard before, but I enjoyed it because I didn't fully understand it. I like that; it leaves me in a contemplative mood, some mystery, unanswered question, ambiguity, darkness.

I enjoyed it too for the way it moves, slides rather, from one sense of reality to another. A boy in a room to a television to a camera to an elderly woman to impoverished women on sidewalks, and then, after a beat, slides back to an alley that was reflected back to the boy via the camera through the TV, now an alley of a more solid existence.

That sort of leads me back to my first point of not fully understanding it. But by expressing my interpretation, or my reaction shall we say, I get a deeper understanding/connection, which might just be the long way of saying that your story got my brain gears spinning. Plus I've got some kinship with street people. Many thanks.

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Thanks for reading and for writing, Victor. I loved reading how the story hit for you and am so glad that it was an enjoyable experience.

Excited to check out your newsletter :)

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Many thanks Garrett. Looking forward to reading more of your work as well. All the best!

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