Look forward to your McCarthy post! Such an incredible author.

I also loved Witch Trials. Will give the Eggars podcast a go, thanks for the rec.

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My pleasure! I felt like the host of Witch Trials was perfect for the task. Great casting choice from the producers, if you will. I only learned of the podcast at all because she was on an episode of Armchair Expert, where she talks far more about her time with her family in Westboro. Here's a link of you want to listen to that as well --> https://armchairexpertpod.com/pods/megan-phelps-roper

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I will listen, thanks!

Agree the host was great. Was curious about her upbringing as well. Assumed this was her project but not sure?

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

I also binged The Witch Trials. A very good listen. My wife did the same but then went and read a lot of critique on it, too. Still, a fascinating listen.

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Yeah, I think the key was it makes you think in the nuance that is often lacking! I also binged :) It's from Bari Weiss' media company and she's also very good. They have a Substack, maybe you know already - https://www.thefp.com/

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

I did not know, no. Many thanks!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

Absolutely love your thoughts on The Road, Garrett. And I haven't even read it! But I know that feeling well of just closing a book and sitting there stunned.

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I love that feeling! Like you feel the start of something shifting within you. A new frame of mind taking shape.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

Love a good nature doc, I'll check it out. We also watch a lot of space/science ones - have been trying to watch the new Cosmos with Neil DT and it is all over the place. 🤪 Your interview with Scott is open on a Tab and lined up to be read, anxiety is my jam... :)

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Nature docs are wonderful. I feel like so many times as I'm watching I'm just thinking, "Wow, that photographer had to sit there for sooooo long to get that shot."

I feel like I watched a few episodes of Cosmos with Neil? I remember liking it but not seeing it through. I'm also a big fan of space & science docs.

Excited for you to read the interview! So many of the stories/details have only been shared with a few people over the years, so it felt good to speak them to a wider audience.

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Have you pitched to BTMU yet, Garrett? Don’t think I’ve received it if you have

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I haven't yet! It has been creeping up my to-do list, though, so hopefully before this week is out...? If not this week, definitely soon!

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No rush at all! Was just checking I hadn’t lost it 😅

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Oh no, no! Haha so sorry if it felt like I was calling out some sort of delay. Definitely not the case. Hope you're having a great week! Eager to catch up on your work as well as on BTMU. Would be lovely if I had 30 hours in a day to fit everything in.

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