I'm a fan of Robert De Niro absolutely but haven't seen This Boy's Life. I'll have to check it out.

As for The Road, I haven't read it, but I want to. I ordered it about a week ago from Amazon and am waiting for it to show up. I'm just about finished with The Double by José Saramago so hopefully The Road will get here soon. Thanks for the article Garrett.

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Love De Niro! It's hard for me to settle on my favorite performance of his... Raging Bull is up there, Taxi Driver, Cape Fear. So many good ones.

I'm excited to hear how you feel about The Road after it arrives and you've had a chance to dig in! Please do let me know.

I've only read Blindness by José Saramago, but he's a writer I'd love to read more of. I'll have to add The Double to my list.

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I'm excited to read it. It's lagging a bit in getting here, but hopefully soon. I've also read Blindness and The Cave and would like to read Cain, but it got lost in transit....Sometimes that happens trying to a book here. I remember De Niro as the devil in a movie with Micky Rourke. Good performances and the music was great.

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