
And this is why you're such a good writer, Garrett.

I read this and it was like I was being thrust in the deep end, but with each destination and increment of information, I began to understand and feel and see. The power here is in all the words that aren't written, which wouldn't be possible without the words you *did* write. (I have no idea if I'm making sense. What I mean is: this was flipping great.)

My favourite line, especially the *The correct punctuation.*

“Girl then. We do dumb things for love, don’t we.” Willie phrased this not as a question, but a statement. The correct punctuation. “What’s her name?”

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"And then they trace each other’s interstates on their palms beneath moonlight, waves not crashing like my conscious mind would hope but gently lapping, filling footprints." - Epic line! I admire how colorfully you introduce each character. As briefly as they may be shown, they all have unique quirks and something memorable about them. I also appreciate how authentically and realistically this story reads.

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Perfect landing, Garrett - it's those tiny, crystal clear details which can turn a whole story. Well done!

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