Oct 11, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

This is very sweet, Garrett - yes what Nadia said but also... (I hesitate to suggest it...) Maybe Midwinter or DALL-E for a few "exploratory" images? Or a few sort of narrow angle images - Valerie's face, the yellow house, the magical trees... What if you collaborated with a kids arts program and made it a collective project, illustrated by the age group? Just brainstorming...

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Oooohhh, I especially love the collective project idea, Troy, thank you! That could be really fun. I think using Midwinter or DALL-E could be useful as well, at least in pointing an illustrator toward what I'm looking for more than what my illustrator notes currently provide. That way, they don't have to sink in a bunch of time on vastly different variations & whatnot.

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I had a graphic novel of Midsummer Night's Dream with each scene illustrated by a different young comic artist, it was SO cool, and I got a copy signed by each of them, that's what made me think of it... Maybe? I think it would be fun. 😉

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Garrett Francis

These are great suggestions 👍

As Nadia said, too, crowdfunding possibly.

What about a potential collaboration here on Substack? There's likely lots of illustrators (it's something I keep meaning to look into myself) and so it'd be a two-way benefit.

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Definitely! I've been kind of casually on the lookout over the past few months, and two whose work I really love on here are:

Adam Ming --> https://adamming.substack.com/

Annnnd Gillian Eilidh O'Mara --> https://lightonthesea.substack.com/

I worry they're well out of my price range haha, but it'd be a dream.

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These are both great!

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Your work is worth exploring authentically, classifications be damned! Maybe you can crowdfund it or seek out a grant.

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Thanks Nadia!! Crowdfunding has always appealed to me, especially with my children's books -- I picture being able to work with an illustrator to get a few pages done that can then be displayed in some way for folks to see what the finished project could/would look like?

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Oh yes, that would be a great idea. Maybe grow your audience and then do this, as sadly, sites like indiegogo and kickstarter don't promote you unless they discover you and you appeal to them. It's a lot of marketing grind from your end, alas.

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I'm a little behind on my reading and have just downloaded your text for later. THanks for sharing it!

Really enjoy the meditations on your process of writing and publishing. Much for us all to learn from!

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No rush whatsoever, Kate! I'm verrrrry behind on my Substack reading haha but am getting back into it this week. Many thanks for downloading & reading!

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